Having acquired her skills through mentorship with elders and family members, Frances Oles is a visual artist practicing various traditional arts including: moosehide tanning, garment construction, porcupine quill work, moose hoof decoration, beadwork, spruce root collection/weaving, stone sculpture, wood carving and gopher pelt tanning. She also delves into the world of oil, watercolour, and acrylic painting. She believes in the importance of continuing to pass on these skills and has hosted many workshops on traditional arts throughout Yukon.
Porcupine Quill Decoration:
Tier 4, $75
Sunday, August 14, 9:30am-4:30pm (with a 1 hour break from 12:30-1:30pm for lunch)
Students will be walked through an introduction to quill work with examples. This class will cover the proper collection and preparation methods of quills (pain free!), as well as application techniques. Each participant will make and take home a small bag made from tanned hide.
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